Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dreams [#TFR]

[03:08:31] [serakyu] mecha
[03:08:33] [serakyu] my nigga
[03:08:42] [serakyu] say something funny so i can update the blog for the other channel with it
[03:08:49] [MechaStalin] I dont know
[03:08:52] [MechaStalin] What do you want me to say
[03:09:08] [MechaStalin] You should have been here earlier when I told my awesome dream
[03:09:13] [MechaStalin] it involves a bitchin lever action rifle
[03:09:26] [MechaStalin] Basically I was downtown as this party
[03:09:35] [MechaStalin] and I look in my bag and theres a lever action in it
[03:09:40] [MechaStalin] so I whip it out and load it up with some .45 government
[03:09:45] [MechaStalin] and everybody is like why do you have a gun?
[03:09:54] [MechaStalin] and I told them to fuck off and shot a wall and it took a big chunk out of it
[03:09:58] [MechaStalin] and everyone was like oh sweet
[03:10:04] [MechaStalin] and I was like "yeah I fucking told you faggots"
[03:10:17] [MechaStalin] So I went around downtown blastin shit while getting progressively more hammered
[03:10:25] [MechaStalin] eventually the cops showed up and were like
[03:10:30] [MechaStalin] "bitchin lever action dude"
[03:10:34] [MechaStalin] and I was like "fuck yeah I know man"
[03:10:51] [MechaStalin] eventually it got late so I stopped shooting the gun cause I didnt want to wake people up
[03:10:59] [MechaStalin] and this F18 flew by and shot a missile
[03:11:20] [MechaStalin] then a one of those twin engined civillian planes that hold like 10 people ran out of gas and landed by me
[03:11:29] [MechaStalin] and it fucking TURNED INTO A MOTORCYCLE and started to drive off
[03:11:38] [MechaStalin] and when I questioned the indian man riding it he just turned to me and smiled
[03:11:48] [serakyu] i need more dreams like yours
[03:11:50] [serakyu] that sounds amazing
[03:11:58] [MechaStalin] then Chuck Norris shows up and I tried to explain to him the motorcycle thing
[03:12:00] [MechaStalin] and he wouldnt believe me
[03:12:02] [MechaStalin] and I got pissed off
[03:12:04] [MechaStalin] then the dream ended
[03:12:11] [MechaStalin] all in all I give it 9/10
[03:12:15] [serakyu] i have dreams like
[03:12:22] [serakyu] YOU'RE IN A BLURRY ROOM
[03:12:26] [serakyu] YOU SEE A DOOR
[03:12:34] [serakyu] then i wake up
[03:12:36] [serakyu] and i'm like
[03:12:39] [serakyu] goddamnit
[03:12:43] [MechaStalin] hahahaha
[03:12:46] [Ferret|Work] that mens
[03:12:47] [Ferret|Work] means
[03:12:48] [Ferret|Work] you're gay
[03:12:49] [Ferret|Work] sorry

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